Zachary is a 24-year-old Los Angeles native who relocated from New York to pursue his aspirations with the ultimate objective of doing what he is doing on a greater scale. He is witty, snarky, ambitious, self-assured, fashionable, trendy, and intelligent.
On TikTok, Zachary Reality has reached around 300K. Moving across the country with only two friends and establishing a new life in Los Angeles was a daunting task. As a freelancer, signing the lease to his apartment and paying rent on his own for the first time in an expensive city. Every podcast guest he has had been a triumph. He has booked every job there is. He considered even the smallest victories in adulthood to triumph.
Zachary Reality is the name of his brand. Zachary Reality is a place for fans of reality television to discuss and debate the most recent episodes. During the pandemic, he wanted to expand as a host, so he created his web brand. After a few months of success, he discovered that he could make money by making content. Because he is interested in reality television, social media, and journalism, he proceeded to develop his own brand.
Zachary adores what he does and would not do it otherwise. His long-term ambition is to expand what he is doing. He would like to expand his podcast and get it into a studio where he can have weekly interviews with reality stars. He wants to make appearances on television and would be willing to participate in a reality show if given the opportunity.
Zachary is a social media personality and an entertainment host and content creator. He works as a journalist and commentator for Shared News, where he covers all things bachelor and pop culture. When other opportunities arise, he hosts a variety of podcasts, as well as appearances on Hollywire, The Derek Z Show, Watch What Happens Live, Afterbuzz tv, and other shows. When he changed his social status to reality as his last name, even though it is Weinberg, it became his brand. He has a popular TikTok, Instagram, youtube channel, and podcast all called Zachary Reality.