Serving as a law enforcement professional for more than two decades exposed Patrick Fitzgibbons to a variety of activities and issues that go on in a police worker’s life on a regular basis. Since he understood the struggles of first responders, he wanted to continue building an impact on them even after getting retired. Therefore, Patrick went on the mission to provide inspiration and motivation to the first responder community through various means including his podcast show, coaching sessions, and book.
To complete his goals and help as many people around him as possible, Patrick launched a podcast under the title “Criminal Justice Evolution” where he would regularly host shows and invite guests from different backgrounds including bestselling authors, entrepreneurs, military and law enforcement leaders, and influencers, actors and private sector professionals. As a result, this variety of people contributes to a range of topics that helps enlighten the listeners on various topics like police and criminal justice reform, leadership, use of force, and everything else in between. Along with that, Patrick also makes sure to focus on self care, for which he includes the conversation about the importance of practicing gratitude, meditation, physical fitness, and everything else contributing to personal care.
Next, to further pursue his mission, in 2019, Patrick wrote and published his book E.V.O.L.V.E, a micro book for first responders, where he included a collection of routines, habits, and advice so that readers can take charge of their life and be their best self. Since he knew that a lot of first responders suffer from a variety of issues such as self-doubt, depression, PTSD, etc, he wanted to help these people through his knowledge and expertise.
Last, but not least, Patrick has also recently launched his one-on-one coaching sessions based on the acronym, E.V.O.L.V.E where E stands for elevating your thoughts, V for visualization, O for others around you, L for loving yourself, V for a victory celebration, and lastly, E for every day showing up and bringing your best. He uses these six levels to help people empower people onto a positive path and grow personally and professionally so that they can overcome any challenges they encounter along the way, including problems related to career development, relationships, trauma, and maintaining self confidence. Therefore, since Patrick has a lot of experience dealing with difficulties, he uses his coaching session to pass on his knowledge and education to those he mentors.
In a nutshell, Patrick Fitzgibbons, is a coach, author, and host of a top ranked podcast who is aiming to inspire and motivate all those in need!