Louise is an internationally renowned British TV host, currently situated in Los Angeles, and enjoys a remarkable career in the media industry. She has worked on films, TV, online, and at various live events. She has hosted gala dinners, award shows and worked as a live show host for press conferences and important panel discussions around the world.
The one thing that sets her apart from the others in the industry is that she does not hold herself back from pursuing her heart’s desire. If she wants to promote her passion using her skills as a host and media person, she mixes the two and makes a story out of it. She is an avid wine lover, supports the movement to counter climate change, and regularly raises environmental issues on her social media platforms. She has a unique voice that adds a certain gravitas to the content she creates to generate a change across the world. Working with a British accent in the USA has, fortunately, helped her make a mark in the industry.
“My British voice has been part of what has helped me be cast here in the US. I have done several voiceovers for the likes of Universal and ESPN and I also now have a podcast on the winemakers of Paso Robles. I love wine and have since got my WSET qualifications to Level 2.”
When we inquired about what is in store for the future, Louise was not hesitant to share the details.
I am currently working on a show called America’s Next Investment where we help raise capital for companies through equity crowdfunding. It is really interesting to meet such passionate entrepreneurs and see them doing so well with their businesses. I especially love interviewing those who are helping to make a difference in this world for generations to come. This is a topic I am passionate about and I have set up a production company called ECODA media where I hope to create content around this subject, environmental issues, and sustainability. I am currently doing a course on sustainability at the University of Illinois virtually so I can learn more and I also have a few movies that I am developing that hold an underlying message on these topics and I believe they will all fall into place when the time is right. I have also recently picked up on my acting again – being in LA seems the place for it and have had a nice few jobs playing business characters so watch this space as they say!
Louise is a massive ball of energy and her unique British voice, and her revolutionary mindset has enabled her to be a part of a larger change in the community.
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